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Pepper’s story so far!
Friday December 13th 2013, 7:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Pepper pic 5

My precious Peppypoo has been a fighter from the start.


We weren’t allowed a rescue dog due to young children, so we found a farm with a stable full of puppies (we suspect from a puppy farm in Ireland), in my eyes we rescued her.


Her first couple of days in our family she spent at the vets where she nearly died from campylobacter….aged just 7 weeks…if we’d left her in that stable she wouldn’t be here now!

whose chair

Over the years she’s had various cut paws and leg injuries..the vets  became our second home and the insurance company didn’t make a penny lol.My foot hurts mum

But she was having a ball!! Or rather chasing a ball…..or carrying a stick…..the bigger the better! She love’s a challenge!

country park


At 5 she was run over…………….she does love to chase a cat! Gave the vets a challenge of how to stop the stitches on the inside of her leg pulling apart every time she moved. They ended up stitching the dressing to her!!

After that she became very scared of loud noises…….air brakes on buses, bottle bank, rifle shots even the reversing beep and flashing lights of a lorry would make her tail go down and she’d run in any direction .

She also started getting nervous on long car journeys due to the road noise but the destination (our caravan) was always worth it! Her favourite place is in the New Forest and she immediately knows where we are when we go over the rumble strip…there’s no settling down then!!

Megs and pep in caravan


At 9 she had a large fatty lump removed from her armpit before it could affect her shoulder joint, she has lots of fatty lumps and has had several needle aspirations but this one was growing steadily.

Photo0020Feeling sorry for herself!

The last few years have been fairly quiet apart from eating a tray of brownies and getting to know the rabbit!



And then this year…………… a limp that kept coming back…………….her muscle starting to waste away………we tried a few months of hydrotherapy until we were referred to a specialist………an mri followed by amputation the next day due to chronic muscle wastage……she came back a new pooch, tail wagging higher and so much happier, made us realise it must have been getting her down having a useless leg….there is nothing she cannot do…including drinking beer from the can and turning a crisp packet inside out…..her favourite past time!!


But she needed another mri as they didn’t send off a sample of the abnormal nerve……she had that this week……..not the news we wanted…… tumours 🙁


3 Comments so far

Pepper is beautiful and so much personaliy in that face. She is facing life head on and has you to thank for all she has. Sorry about the diagnosis, but I will send pawsitive thoughts your way. Keep enjoying life as no one knows how things will turn out and no one can put an expiration date on Pepper. As you said, she’s a fighter.

Keep us updated.
Luanne and Spirit Shooter

   fourminipups on 12.14.13 @ 1:34 am    Reply

Thank you for sharing tis delightful journey with us! Peppy is adorable! Love the “freckles” on her foot!

The commentary witheach picture is so refreshing! Love the pic of her carrying that huge stick! This dog has a lot of determination and is THOROUGHLY enjoying her life!

Remember, Peppy doesn’t care avout anyole’ stupod diagnosis…doesn’t kow she’s “sick”…does’t care avout statistics! She’s staying in the moment and not worrying avout a thing! Let NOTHING rob you of your time together, okay? Peppy’s not!!

Is she really tht well behaved with the bunny? Incredible!!

Peppy is feeling great and is ejoying all the spoiling and loving! Stay in the present with her and relishmin the bliss of being together!

I could look at these ics all day! MORE! The crowd roars MORE!

Hugs to you, Peppy and the bunny!

Sally and Happy Hannah

   benny55 on 12.14.13 @ 5:01 am    Reply

Oh Peppy you are SO SWEET! What a lucky pup you are to have your people looking out for you. I hope that the holidays have been good to all of you, you sure deserve it!

Now, what’s new over there? We want MORE like Sally says!

   jerry on 01.03.14 @ 8:39 am    Reply


  1. My pooch!

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